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taiwan international improvised music PLATFORM


" Focus on Holland"- 2018 TIIMF Co-Produce Concert
​11. 21. 2018 國家演奏廳

在台灣國際即興音樂節的歷史中,荷蘭即興音樂家們留下豐富的成果:德國人聲音樂家馬克‧范‧湯可鄰(Mark van Tongeren)是音樂節的好夥伴,也是長期合作對象。2015年也舉辦了人聲音樂家亞普‧布隆克(JaapBlonk)及長笛演奏家馬克‧阿班‧若茲(Mark Alban Lotz)的表演。而到了2018年,馬克‧若茲策劃的《聚焦荷蘭》則呈現荷蘭即興音樂領域的「五大」成分給台灣樂迷。本次音樂節國際共製項目建立在雙方相互欣賞、渴求相互學習,帶來各式各樣的互動演出(也包含教學),期於鞏固、發展台荷雙方關係。除了馬克‧阿班‧若茲和李世揚以外的所有參演者都將出席首演,這次演出將為他們的演出、教學帶來深切影響,也將讓台灣更注意荷蘭音樂。 


Joëlle Léandre Interview  

Improvisation is totally an ‘instrumental gesture’ andpart of your body. All music goes inside to your body when you play. I don’t want to trigger a war between composers and improvisers. In my personal opinion, I am composing while I am improvising. I compose commissioned pieces too. It is composed music but for improvising musician because I deeply, honestly believe that there should not be only one person with a pen and paper to be on the top of the hierarchy. And the musicians ask “what do you mean?” I hate this.

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